Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And the move begins...  I've started to move the big furniture, and most of my clothes. I need to get a few days off so I can finish. So much to do, so little time to get it done...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh boy, I was able to get friday off from work and go camping with the family ALL weekend long!! We got back sunday and had a lovely bbq with Bekah and RRRJ for mothers day! We did absolutely nothing wedding related , we didn't even speak that word this past few days.  It was a wonderful and much needed brake for all of us.
So for some critical advise: When planning a wedding DO NOT forget to schedule in some R&R. (you will regret it if you skip this step. And more than likely end up very frustrated with each other in no time at all)

And a very Happy MOTHER'S DAY to all of you who sacrifice more for your children then we will ever know. That is until we have our little chillins =]
Love you bunches mom. And thank you very much }{

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Alright, Bekah and RRRJ wedding is coming so quickly! We are going to do a rough layout of the space tonight to make sure that everything fits and looks right and all that jazz. Children be kind to your parents, give them a minimum of two, 2, dos, not one but two months. Believe you me that is hardly enough time as it is. Or you could just let them do what ever they want, and just show up. Be aware if you are to go with the latter there can be no complaining. And for all you young ladies, begin brainstorming what you want now. Yes now, it doesn't matter how old you are 7 or 37, it mattereth not, just start. The more ideas the better.

I will be sure to let you all know what it turns out like. If I can figure it out, I will even post some pictures.