Thursday, July 21, 2011


this is my first offical blog post from my phone ever!!! Totally wicked great. I'm so glad that I finally got this all set up. Hey thanks to 'all' my folower. Not that I really write much, but hey what do you exspect from a young single adult? I suppose that I could write about all of the great things that I have been up to, but the only people following this blog are close family. And you all already know that stuff, well 'some' of that stuff anyway... I am just so elated that I can get my blog through my phone. See it my not sound that impressive to you all with the latest greatest phone out there, but for for me and my phone it is quite a feet. There are so many sites that I can not get through m phone. I can't even get to my email, although it allows facebook, weird right? So this is a great day indeed.